I was trying to set up the Zed editor with ESLint only formatting yesterday, and to save future someone some time, I wanted to post this. In my path to reducing dependencies, I wanted to explore formatting options with other than ESLint. I have always opted for Prettier and had no real opinions on how formatting should behave, but was easily convinced otherwise after looking at Anthony Fu’s ESLint configuration and the formatting rules that come along with it.
However at the time of writing in Zed, you can’t set it such that only eslint formatting runs, and so you have to set it such that the default formatter is an external one that does nothing, and then have it run ESLint’s fix command after. In other words:
"languages": {
"Vue.js": {
"formatter": {
"external": {
"command": "cat << EOF",
"arguments": []
"code_actions_on_format": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true